
Apply for the International Programmes at FBA

Applicants interested in the English-taught programmes at the Faculty of Business Administration may choose from one bachelor and two master programmes: Bachelor of Business Administration, application deadline on June 10, 2020, Master in International Management/CEMS, 2nd intake application deadline on April 30, 2020, Master in Management, application deadline on April 30, 2020. The original application […]

Apply for the International Programmes at FBA

CEMS Assessment Centre is Going Online

Like many others, CEMS Office from the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Economics, Prague, is adapting to the current tumultuous situation and therefore digitizing the Assessment Centre, a vital part of the CEMS VSE admission process, while still maintaining its key aspects such as teamwork, analytical tasks and incorporation of corporate partners […]

CEMS Assessment Centre is Going Online

Management summary Research study „An examination of children motives for triathlon participation as a function of age“

This study examines children’s motives for participation in triathlon as a function of age. Initiatives implemented by a Regional Sport Organization in New Zealand have resulted in increased participation in ‘I Tri’d the Tri’ Series (ITTS) from 300 in 2004–3300 in 2015 (aged 2–12). Participants of the 2015 ITTS were surveyed. Graph theory analysis was […]

Management summary Research study „An examination of children motives for triathlon participation as a function of age“

FBA education went online

In connection with the development of coronavirus, the Faculty of Business Administration passed to on-line education to enable students to complete the summer semester properly. In addition to communication via InSIS, the recommended software for online learning at the Faculty of Business Administration is “ZOOM PRO” and “Microsoft Teams”. The specific form of on-line teaching […]

FBA education went online

Electronic confirmation of study

As of Friday, March 13, students can generate an electronic confirmation of study (PDF file) in InSIS, which will be digitally signed automatically. This digital signature verifies the validity of the document, the file should be accepted by all authorities and companies as well as the existing paper confirmation with a stamp. The procedure is […]

Electronic confirmation of study

Management summary: Research study „Intrafamily Conflicts in Family Businesses: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Agenda for Future Research“

The goals of this systematic literature review was to assess the current state of research on intrafamily conflicts in family firms, systematize the findings, and outline avenues for future research. Based on an analysis of 88 studies, we develop an input–process–output framework to synthesize input, process, output, and context variables and identify research gaps. The […]

Management summary: Research study „Intrafamily Conflicts in Family Businesses: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Agenda for Future Research“

Extraordinary measuers of the FBA’s Study Department

Based on extraordinary measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, which with effect from March 11, 2020, forbids the personal presence of students in classes, we ask all the students to contact the faculty staff exclusively via phone, email or other online communication channels. The office hours of the FBA’s Study Department […]

Extraordinary measuers of the FBA’s Study Department