Management summary Research study „TIRDERU812MT01 Proposal of methodological approach for the creation of methodology in gas industry“

The aim of this project was to propose the ideal structure and procedure of creating methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of investments which would then be verified in individual industries. The procedure as well as structure should also be focused on the target group (united procedural procedures, work with information, work with data). Analysis were made leading to finding the problematic points of the submitted proposal, the description of limits of a possible solution, assessment of the roles of individual industries of energetics in the energy mix and evaluation of the impact of the gas industry specifics on the methodological procedure in the creation of the procedure of evaluating the effectiveness of investments. For the plan of the solution, we created possible properties of the tool of evaluation of investments which is supposed to be the technological goal of the project, and measures that will contribute to the effectiveness of this tool. Considered benefits were described in the proposal in the given area that could make the actions of ERO more effective. Also, some limits that are likely to reduce the possibility of automatization were described.


Target groups of stakeholders: Energy Regulatory Office