Management summary Research study „Tools for the innovation and optimization of company processes performance within the framework of INDUSTRY 4.0“

The main goal of the project is to develop the system:

– of Web configuration tool of products and services

– of tools for the description of company processes for the need of simulation

– of tools and methods for the development of mathematical models

– for the optimization of company processes performance which uses simulation and scenario approaches

– for the modelling and simulation of processes which enables the prediction of both the course and the status of processes.

The main goal of the project will be achieved by the development of the main output of the project that is a software which represents configuration tool of products and services, the tool for modelling and optimization of processes.

The software will encompass on-line utility, which enables mutual and modifiable connection between suppliers and customers primarily for more directly and easily acomplish possibility of choosing products and services of the supplier. In addition, the software will support visual analysis of the processes as well as process modelling and will provide the probability answer to their behaviour.

The application of project outcomes will support the increase of economy, effectiveness and the adaptability of processes to dynamically changing business and entrepreneurial environment across industrial branches.


Target groups of stakeholders: company sphere