Management summary Research study „TIRDERU812MT05 Proposal of methodology of data collection and processing of information in gas industry“

The aim of the project was the proposal of method for data collection and verification of this method in the gas industry segment. The goal was to find out which data and which other sources of information are necessary to process and how. The outcomes were continuously presented within workshops. According to the instructions of resorts the sources of data and information were consolidated for a unified approach across all the regulatory areas. The second part of the project was the proposal of an effective way of processing the information and data. By processing we mean not only the storage and availability of acquired information but also the possibility of the effective use in the future. The report includes acquired data and information in the field of investment evaluation, investment plans and regulated assets in the gas industry inclusive of the evaluation of the relevance and usability in further stages of the project. The source of information and data were information about the practise of foreign regulators, legislation and bounding document and surveys of regulated entities in the field of gas transmission and distribution in the Czech Republic.


Target groups of stakeholders: Energy Regulatory Office