
Management summary: Research study „Wise leaders do not let relationship conflicts ruin their family businesses“

The goal of this conceptual paper was to connect the concept of “wisdom” and relationship conflicts in family businesses. Through the lens of four wisdom components, the current findings originating in the family business literature are discussed. The article argues that although the term “wisdom” is basically not used at all in the family business […]

Management summary: Research study „Wise leaders do not let relationship conflicts ruin their family businesses“

Programme MBA for Students Is Preparing for the Second Year

In February 2019, new program MBA for Students was opened on the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA). The programme is meant for students of the Master’s Degree Programmes who are interested in expanding their current knowledge and earn the prestigious title MBA when studying. These days FBA along with ZHAW Zurich are finishing the preparation […]

Programme MBA for Students Is Preparing for the Second Year

Financial Times: VŠE, Represented by the Faculty of Business Administration, Is the 55th Best European Business School

Today the Financial Times published its annual European Business School Rankings 2019. The University of Economics, Prague (VŠE), represented in the ranking by the Faculty of Business Administration, ranked 55th. Compared to last year, the university moved five places up. From the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, only the Polish Kozminski University ranked ahead […]

Financial Times: VŠE, Represented by the Faculty of Business Administration, Is the 55th Best European Business School

VSE students and representatives at the CEMS Annual Events 2019 in Vienna

The networking event of the year, CEMS Annual Events 2019, takes place in Vienna from November 27 to December 1, 2019. The Annual Events are organized on a rotating basis by 32 member schools, with WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) being the host university this year. During these days, members of the whole CEMS family gather […]

VSE students and representatives at the CEMS Annual Events 2019 in Vienna

The most important contractual research project by the Faculty of Business Administration – Department of Logistics for Unipetrol RPA company

The Department of Logistics succeeded to continue in long term contractual research project titled Petrochemical Logistics – Intermodal Distribution Network for Polyolefins for Unipetrol RPA company. The project delivery includes legal, process, organizational and technical dimensions.

The most important contractual research project by the Faculty of Business Administration – Department of Logistics for Unipetrol RPA company

Clothes Donation powered by CEMS

CEMS Club Prague, a student association consisting of CEMS MIM students at the Faculty of Business Administration, is preparing a collection of worn clothes and shoes for all students with the help of the Salvation Army in the Czech Republic. From Wednesday – November 20 to Thursday – November 28, it will be possible to […]

Clothes Donation powered by CEMS

Management summary: Research study „Stability of family firms during economic downturn and recovery“

Family firms are often associated with the notion of greater stability. The goal of this study was to explore the differences in family and nonfamily firms in various types of stability, including stability in the number of employees, revenue, earnings and assets. The results, which are based on the Amadeus database, suggest that family firms […]

Management summary: Research study „Stability of family firms during economic downturn and recovery“

Apply for Coca-Cola HBC challenge for student teams

Find the Manager Inside You! Our corporate partner Coca-Cola HBC launched a new challenge for student teams. Letˈs fight for your university! Teams of 3-5 university students can participate in Coca-Cola HBC contest and win 1.000 euros/25.000 CZK, a day with TOP Manager, WOW experience of your choice or drinks for a party with friends. […]

Apply for Coca-Cola HBC challenge for student teams

Initiative for the Automotive Supply Chains in Visegrad Group

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bács-Kiskun County has been successful in winning funding from the Visegrad Funds, to deliver a 2-day (18th and 19th November 2019) event exploring ways to improve the competitiveness and long-term sustainability of the Automotive Supply Chains in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Stakeholders from these countries will discuss […]

Initiative for the Automotive Supply Chains in Visegrad Group

Open Day at the University of Economics, Prague /December 17, 2019/

On Tuesday, December 17, 2019, the Open Day will take place at the University of Economics, Prague. Each hour, from 9 am until 1 pm all the prospective students can participate in a lecture dedicated to information about study programmes, admission requirements, curriculum and much more. The 1 pm lecture will be aimed at master […]

Open Day at the University of Economics, Prague /December 17, 2019/