
Management summary Research study „TIRDERU812MT01 Proposal of methodological approach for the creation of methodology in gas industry“

The aim of this project was to propose the ideal structure and procedure of creating methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of investments which would then be verified in individual industries. The procedure as well as structure should also be focused on the target group (united procedural procedures, work with information, work with data). Analysis were […]

Management summary Research study „TIRDERU812MT01 Proposal of methodological approach for the creation of methodology in gas industry“

Online Summer School: Digital Disruption

Are you looking for possibilities on how to widen your horizons in the area of business strategy this summer? Would you like to participate in a summer school but are afraid of the travel restrictions? Or maybe you want to expand your knowledge while still enjoying the summer properly? Take part in the Online Summer […]

Online Summer School: Digital Disruption

Management summary Research study „TIRDERU812MT05 Proposal of methodology of data collection and processing of information in gas industry“

The aim of the project was the proposal of method for data collection and verification of this method in the gas industry segment. The goal was to find out which data and which other sources of information are necessary to process and how. The outcomes were continuously presented within workshops. According to the instructions of […]

Management summary Research study „TIRDERU812MT05 Proposal of methodology of data collection and processing of information in gas industry“

Management summary Research study „Time-Varying Rigidity of the Czech Regional Labor Markets“

While the empirical economic research has long focused on capturing the rigidities of the labor markets on the level of the whole economy, the structural policy might benefit much more from a regional perspective. This paper follows exactly this path, focusing on the regional differences in labor market rigidities. The concept of the labor market […]

Management summary Research study „Time-Varying Rigidity of the Czech Regional Labor Markets“

Management summary Research study „Customer Loyalty-Related Marketing Measures in Fashion Markets”

This study focuses on the effects of various influencing factors on consumer loyalty. Factors examined include product quality, product selection, service quality and price-to-performance ratio. To investigate the proportion of the chosen marketing measures, a conceptual model was proposed. The study has derived some remarkable key findings that contrast with other non-fashion markets. First of […]

Management summary Research study „Customer Loyalty-Related Marketing Measures in Fashion Markets”

Call for papers for Journal of Corporate Real Estate

Marko Orel, Department of Entrepreneurship, was invited to be a special issue guest editor of Journal of Corporate Real Estate (JCRE) on the topic „Workplace transformation in the post-COVID-19 society“. The journal is published by prestigious Emerald Publishing. JCRE is pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue devoted to papers on […]

Call for papers for Journal of Corporate Real Estate

CEMS Business Projects 2020 Final Presentations

On Friday, May 22, 2020, International Management/CEMS students, corporate partners, and academic tutors gathered at the University of Economics, Prague to present the results of their Business Projects. Due to the current extraordinary situation, the final presentations took place online this year. There was a total of 9 teams, each working on a project from […]

CEMS Business Projects 2020 Final Presentations

Scientific journal Central European Business Review, published by FBA, has been selected for inclusion in Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index

Scientific journal Central European Business Review (, published by the Faculty of Business Administration, has been selected for inclusion in the prestigious database Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index. In addition, the journal has been indexed by the Scopus database (Elsevier) since 2017.  The journal focuses on business issues with a Central European perspective.   […]

Scientific journal Central European Business Review, published by FBA, has been selected for inclusion in Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index

Management summary Research study „Advice-seeking process in family businesses: a qualitative study“

The purpose of this paper is to explore the process of seeking advice in family firms. Exploratory multiple case study design was employed to examine how family firm owners use various sources of advice. The analysis is based on data collected from semi-structured interviews with six Czech family business owners. The case study analysis shows […]

Management summary  Research study „Advice-seeking process in family businesses: a qualitative study“

FBA information about subject exams, comprehensive exams and final state exams

Measures of VŠE following released restrictive measures in the field of higher education valid from May 11, 2020 apply, FBA  adds the following: Subjects and subject exams The way and criteria for the evaluation of the subject and the way and form of the exams were determined by the subject supervisors and students were informed […]

FBA information about subject exams, comprehensive exams and final state exams