Internship abroad and other obligations (MMEE)
The research responsibilities of doctoral students include completing a research internship at a foreign institution for a total period of at least one month or participating in an international project with results published or presented abroad or participating in another form of direct participation in international research cooperation. The time spent at international summer schools focused on research methodology or closely related to the dissertation is also included in the period of one month.
- Due to the limited possibilities to travel abroad from March 2020 to August 2021, the fulfillment of the foreign internship obligation is postponed until December 2022. Thus, students who could not travel abroad in the period March 2020-August 2021 and thus fulfill the foreign internship obligation, may fulfill and document this obligation by December 2022 at the latest.
The research stay must be at a university or other research institution. Ideally after the first year, when you already have a clear idea of what you want to do in your dissertation. Your stay is mainly to get good feedback on your own research before you begin it. I.e. the aim is to obtain relevant recommendations on how to modify or supplement the entire research to address the relevant research question through relevant methods. It also means that the visiting institution must have proven expertise in the field of the dissertation’s scope, it is not possible to go to any department of any university abroad. Expertise is usually demonstrated by the relevant publishing activity of the host institution in world’s leading magazines. The length of stay must be min. 1 month and if necessary, it can be divided into several increments, it is not necessary to complete it in one bulk, i.e. you could go for two weeks in the first year, for example, and then do other two weeks in the second year. In justified cases, summer schools may be included in the stay abroad, if they are relevant to the dissertation research. However, different types and lengths of stay have different (limited) funding opportunities.
In order to successfully fulfill all study obligations, it is necessary to fulfill the obligations given by the Study and Examination Regulations of the Prague University of Economics and Business and the PhD Student Standard. The time and content sequence of these duties is set out in the individual study plan (ISP), which is compiled by the supervisor together with the doctoral student at the beginning of the study. ISP is divided into study periods – semesters.
Full-time doctoral students participate in teaching no later than the second year in an average of 4 hours per week (average is calculated for the academic year), have consultation hours of at least 2 hours per week, participate in verifying students’ knowledge and lead and oppose bachelor’s theses, oppose diploma theses, in line with the decison of the Department Head. Full-time PhD students must attend in the first year of studies the Course of Pedagogical Skills organized at the University of Economics. For more information: see HERE / contact person:
The doctoral student must obtain 100 points for the entire study, while the distribution into individual years is as follows (always at the end of the year):
- 1st year min. 10 points
- 2nd year min. 30 points
- 3rd year min. 60 points
- and at the end of the 4th year min. 100 points.
Points can be obtained in two ways: a maximum of 50 points can be obtained for the so-called drivers, within which he builds his research competencies or obtains resources for his own research, and a minimum of 50 points for publication outputs. Specific point values are given in the PhD Student Standard.
- The obtained points are reported by the supervisor in the Report on the course of study for the past academic year
- Obtaining points is evidenced by an entry in InSIS, an entry in the database of publishing activities (link to PCVSE HERE), attendance at trainings, certificates and in some cases the acquisition of points is subject to the approval of the Vice-Dean for Science.
- The documents are stored with the PhD study officer
- Completion of training seminars (2 points for a full-day seminar ⇒ 4 teaching hours or 3 real hours are calculated as a half-day, ie 1 point)
- Participation in Research seminars (Research club – apply HERE; Research Seminar Series in Economics, Applied Ethics and Morality Research Group , Interpretive and Critical Business Studies, Brown Bag Seminar) – Completion of research seminars (1 seminar = 1 point)
- Research Club or Faculty colloquium of other students ⇒ 1 point for each event = day where the student was present; students choose a topic (presentation) which is the most interesting for them; Attention – the Department colloquium does not count; Attention – as of September 1st, 2022, a participation on site is required for full-time students in order to obtain a point.
- Conferences without active participation /without conference paper/ (2 points for a documented participation – valid as of 1.7.2023) – Recommended research conferences
- Acquired IGA project (10 points per newly obtained project, part according to co-authorship) ⇒ the principal investigator (researcher) decides on the distribution of the point for IGA projects, informs the other team members about the distribution (ie assigns them the number of points)