
Management summary research study: The general fault in our fault lines

Pervading global narratives suggest that political polarization is increasing, yet the accuracy of such group meta-perceptions has been drawn into question. A recent US study suggests that these beliefs are inaccurate and drive polarized beliefs about out-groups. However, it also found that informing people of inaccuracies reduces those negative beliefs. In this work, we explore […]

Management summary research study: The general fault in our fault lines

Management summary Research study „Why do employees engage in counterproductive work behaviours? Cultural values and white-collar employees in China“

This study examines the role of cultural values in influencing counterproductive work behaviours (CWBs). In particular, it focuses on the cultural values of power distance, long-term orientation and collectivism (both horizontal and vertical collectivism) as well as the Confucian values of guanxi and harmony. In line with recent approaches in moral psychology and sociology, we […]

Management summary Research study „Why do employees engage in counterproductive work behaviours? Cultural values and white-collar employees in China“

Management summary Research study „Let’s Do It Frank’s Way: General Principles and Historical Specificity in the Study of Entrepreneurship“

Formal economic models of entrepreneurship have two characteristics: they model entrepreneurship as an allocation of resources, and they identify common factors affecting this allocation. These common factors are represented as parameters of optimization models, and they are evaluated at the market level. We argue that although these models are useful, they are incomplete because certain […]

Management summary Research study „Let’s Do It Frank’s Way: General Principles and Historical Specificity in the Study of Entrepreneurship“

ŠANCE Islands – VŠE organizes the largest virtual job fair in the Czech Republic

We would like to invite you to an important event of our university. ŠANCE Islands is an unique virtual job fair, which takes place in an 3D world, organized by the Development and Counselling Centre of VŠE. It is currently the largest virtual 3D job fair in the Czech Republic and one of the biggest in Europe. […]

ŠANCE Islands – VŠE organizes the largest virtual job fair in the Czech Republic

Arts management programme got 7th place in prestigious Eduniversal ranking

Arts management programme taught at Faculty of Business Administration got 7th place in prestigious Best Masters Ranking, in which Eduniversal evaluates the world’s best universities every year. The programme ranked among such schools as SDA Bocconi School of Management or HEC Paris and has no competition in Central and Eastern Europe. Compared to last year’s […]

Arts management programme got 7th place in prestigious Eduniversal ranking

Doctoral Programs at FBA – Admissions for 2021/2022 are open

Study Ph.D. or DBA Program at the Faculty of Business Administration! Are you an aspiring student interested in developing knowledge and conducting research? Then our four-year full-time or combined Ph.D. Program is the right choice for you. In the months of April and May, applicants may submit their application. How to apply – have a […]

Doctoral Programs at FBA – Admissions for 2021/2022 are open