
Management summary Research study „Servant Leadership and Its Relation to Work Performance“

Servant leadership is a viable concept used and researched worldwide. The aim of this study is to review the concept of servant leadership and examine its relation to work performance, specifically subordinate’s in-role and extra-role work performance. Data were collected via a questionnaire. The sample included 106 Master students of a standard Management program at […]

Management summary Research study „Servant Leadership and Its Relation to Work Performance“

Management summary Quantitative Assessment of Dynamics of Economic Development in the Countries of the EU

The European Union is made up of countries that differ significantly in their economic development. In order to develop tailored strategies for their development, it should be possible to quantify the condition at a desired point in particular time. Again, on this basis, the process of economic development can be quantified and thus typicalities identified. […]

Management summary Quantitative Assessment of Dynamics of Economic Development in the Countries of the EU

Management summary Research study „Determinants of solo and employer entrepreneurship in Visegrád countries: Findings from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia“

This study aims to extend the existing body of literature on the individual-level determinants of self-employed persons with (employer entrepreneurs) and without employees (solo self-employed individuals) from the perspective of four post-communist economies (i.e. Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia). The research is based on the three harmonised waves (2005, 2010 and 2015) of the […]

Management summary Research study „Determinants of solo and employer entrepreneurship in Visegrád countries: Findings from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia“

Management summary Research study Discrepancies in Perception and Evaluation of Macroenvironment – Sectoral Analysis

The aim of presented study is to evaluate macroeconomic environment and to determine differences in perception of macroeconomic environment by entrepreneurs in Slovak Republic and Czech Republic. Data collection was done by questionnaire which was answered by 329 entrepreneurs from Slovak Republic and 312 entrepreneurs from Czech Republic. Topics treated concerning macroenvironment were the favourableness […]

Management summary Research study Discrepancies in Perception and Evaluation of Macroenvironment – Sectoral Analysis

Management summary Research study „Price elasticity of the demand for electricity, natural gas and solid fuels in the Czech Republic“

The objective of the research is the estimation of the price elasticity of the demand for electricity, natural gas, and solid fuels in the Czech Republic. For the purpose of the research, seasonally unadjusted quarterly data were used (2003-2018). The estimated results show that electricity consumption is significantly statistically affected by the temperature of outdoor […]

Management summary Research study „Price elasticity of the demand for electricity, natural gas and solid fuels in the Czech Republic“

Announcement of the winners in ESOP 2020, diploma theses

On 25 June 2020, the CVV FPH committee evaluated the diploma theses nominations for the ESOP competition. The following theses succeeded (alphabetically):   Kladivíková Zuzana – The Influence of National Culture on the Evaluation of the Quality of Accommodation Services (supervisor doc. Ing. Jan Koudelka, CSc.) Kluiters Leon – The Impact of Digital Trust on […]

Announcement of the winners in ESOP 2020, diploma theses

Management summary Research study M. Nečadová „Impact of Aggregation Methods on Countries’ Ranking in Composite Index of National Competitiveness“

The Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) is widely accepted by policymakers and other authorities for its ability to integrate a significant amount of relevant information about competitive advantages and disadvantages of countries on different levels of development. The explanatory power of this international ranking depends strongly on the choices made during the process of construction of […]

Management summary  Research study M. Nečadová „Impact of Aggregation Methods on Countries’ Ranking in Composite Index of National Competitiveness“

Management summary Research study „Models Predicting Financial Distress Applied to Specific Insolvency Cases“

This paper is focused on the financial situation of pre-packed insolvencies. Pre-packed insolvencies, or pre-packs, are specially organized insolvency proceedings. It is expected that the pre-packs will be more effective than standard insolvency proceedings with respect to time and creditor satisfaction. There can be different results of pre-packs: successful rehabilitation, unsuccessful rehabilitation or on-going rehabilitation. […]

Management summary Research study „Models Predicting Financial Distress Applied to Specific Insolvency Cases“

New Double-Degree Possibility for MIMG Students with Hanyang University, Seoul

Starting from the Academic Year 2020/2021 the MIMG students will newly get an opportunity to apply for the double Master degree programme offered jointly by the Faculty of Business Administration at VSE and School of Business at Hanyang University, Seoul (HUBS). After completing the programme, master students from FBA VSE will obtain a Master’s degree […]

New Double-Degree Possibility for MIMG Students with Hanyang University, Seoul

Management summary Research study „We survived this! What managers could learn from SMEs who successfully navigated the Greek economic crisis“

Small and medium size enterprises in both business to business and consumer markets are particularly vulnerable to economic downturns. Concentrating on the Greek economic crisis, one of the toughest and most prolonged on a global scale, the present research sheds light on both anthropocentric and business-centric factors that helped SMEs survive, therefore, providing a valuable […]

Management summary Research study „We survived this! What managers could learn from SMEs who successfully navigated the Greek economic crisis“