
Become a Finance Specialist at Revenue Recognition at SAP Germany

Are you looking to build & grow your career in Finance? Then this is your chance to join a leading software company as a Finance Specialist & build breakthroughs, together! The position is in the Field Finance area of SAP Germany. Field Finance acts as a business partner and supports the Business (Sales Teams, M-GTM, […]

Become a Finance Specialist at Revenue Recognition at SAP Germany

Prof. Hnilica Replaced Prof. Novy as Dean

The Faculty of Business Administration has a new dean. Prof. Jiří Hnilica was appointed by the Rector of the Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE) with effect from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2026. He will replace Prof. Ivan Nový who spent two terms in the office. A new team of vice-deans will […]

Prof. Hnilica Replaced Prof. Novy as Dean

The Best Master Thesis and Term Papers Awards Announcement

The committee of the Research and Science Center has evaluated the summer nominations for the ESOP competition.   The following theses were awarded: 1st place: Elena Lukshina; The Rate of Projectification in the Czech Republic (thesis supervisor Ing. Jiří Hájek, Ph.D.) 2nd – 4th  place: Dominik Sagl; Segmentation of esports audience and its marketing implications (thesis […]

The Best Master Thesis and Term Papers Awards Announcement

Apply for Asahi GO Graduates #Digital Programme

Our legacy starts with you!  Go for it! It’s our goal to make a real difference and build a legacy we are proud of. And we need you to help us achieve that. We would like to invite you to GO for it and begin creating your legacy with us at the Asahi GO Graduates […]

Apply for Asahi GO Graduates #Digital Programme

Management summary research study „Economic Performance and Financial Stability: Case of the Eurasian Economic Union“

The paper presents an empirical evaluation of the relationship between some of the financial stability indicators and economic performance. It is focused on the sample of the members of the Eurasian Economic Union. Given some data limitations, dynamic panel analysis is performed. Nonperforming loans are identified as an important indicator of financial stability along with […]

Management summary research study „Economic Performance and Financial Stability: Case of the Eurasian Economic Union“

Doctor of Business Administration application deadline /30.6.2022/

If you are a manager or a professional with several years of experience, interested in developing your knowledge and applying it to business practice, you may be interested in our DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) Program. The application deadline for the DBA programme is on June 30, 2022 (start of studies: September 2022). The DBA is a “professional doctorate”, […]

Doctor of Business Administration application deadline /30.6.2022/

Summer School: The Blue Ocean Strategy in the Context of Digital Disruption /July 26 – August 1/

The Blue Ocean Strategy in the Context of Digital Disruption summer school aims at understanding customers and suggesting innovation of the business model targeting current and new potential customers using Blue Ocean Strategy methodology and tools in the context of already available or future prospective disruptive technologies. When: from July 26 to August 1, 2022(Tuesday […]

Summer School: The Blue Ocean Strategy in the Context of Digital Disruption /July 26 – August 1/

Joint Graduation Ceremony of MIMG and CEMS Students /June 28, 2022/

The joint Graduation Ceremony of MIMG and CEMS students at VŠE will take place on Tuesday, June 28 from 1 pm in the Vencovského auditorium. Guests can enter the Aula half an hour before the planned ceremony. There is open seating and no limits in the number of guests. Children under 3 years are not allowed. Formal attire is […]

Joint Graduation Ceremony of MIMG and CEMS Students /June 28, 2022/