Open Day at the Faculty of Business Administration /January 31, 2020/
On Friday, January 31, 2020, the Open Day will take place at the Faculty of Business Administration. The event starts at 10 am with its first lecture dedicated to those interested in bachelor degree programmes. From 11:30 am the lecture about master degree programmes will take place.
WHEN? Friday, January 31, 2020, from 10 am till 1 pm WHERE? Vencovského aula (auditorium located in the New Building) WHERE IS THE CAMPUS? nám. Winstona Churchilla 4, 130 67 Praha 3 – Žižkov
Although the lectures will be primarily about Czech programmes we encourage all the prospective students interested in international degree programmes to participate in the Open Day as well. There will be plenty of time during the event for individual questions and discussion, visitors may take part in a tour around the campus or meet the current students of our programmes. The international programmes taught at the Facuálty of Business Administration are:
- Bachelor of Business Administration, application deadline on June 10, 2020,
- Master in International Management/CEMS, application deadline on February 28, 2020,
- Master in Management, application deadline on April 30, 2020.
Why to study at the Faculty of Business Administration?
FBA is the only faculty in the Czech Republic that has the Triple Crown accreditation. The Triple Crown accreditation is a combination of three prestigious international accreditations: AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. This means the FBA ranks among the 1% of best business schools in the world.
Relations with the business community are one of the top priorities of the FBA. The Faculty has contracts with over 100 corporate partners such as BD Advisory, Unilever, APOGEO, Plzeňský Prazdroj, Škoda Auto and many others.
CEMS MIM programme is regularly placed in the prestigious global Financial Times Ranking for business education. You can choose from Bachelor, Master, Doctoral or MBA study programmes.