Management summary Research study „The couple business as a unique form of business: a review of the empirical evidence“

The study addresses the couple businesses, which are widespread over the world and at the same time, very specific. Couple-run firms’ size can vary from microfirms to large corporations. The study reviews 71 academic papers and synthesize the definitions, antecedents and consequences of couple-run firms. The motives for starting a firms with the life partner can be family/couple motives, market motives, or institutional motives. The study also highlights potential problems with this kind of entrepreneurship, including tensions, work-family conflict, and improper distribution of power. Couple-run firms seem to be resilient and can outperform other types of firms.


Target groups of stakeholders: Representatives of SMB

Citation: El Shoubaki, A., Block, J., & Lasch, F. (2021). The couple business as a unique form of business: a review of the empirical evidence. Management Review Quarterly, 1-3