CEMS Club Prague Voted 3rd Best CEMS Club of Summer Semester 2022
On Saturday, October 8, 2022, the Best CEMS Clubs of the Summer Semester 2021 have been announced by the Student Board Representatives in cooperation with CEMS Global Office at the CEMS Club Presidential Conference in Stockholm, with the following outcome:
1st place: CEMS Club Vienna,
2nd place: CEMS Club St Gallen,
3rd place: CEMS Club Prague.
The three clubs managed to earn the most points based on their cohort’s voting and the Best Practices they handed in. In the long run, CEMS Club Prague achieved tremendous success as it was the only club to make the podium in all 6 categories, namely:
- Desired: 1st for Bonding Weekend in Slovakia | led by Evžen Balomenos (together with CEMS Clubs Vienna and Budapest)
- Socializing: 1st for CEMS Reunion in Prague | led by Evžen Balomenos (120 CEMS students in total from 5 Clubs – Rotterdam, Paris, Budapest, Louvain, Vienna)
- Alumni: 2nd for Rotation Dinner with Alumni | led by Aneta Sklenská
- Corporate: 2nd for Corporate Networking Event during CEMS Reunion | led by Alexander Haselwander & Berta Šimonová (together with Clubs Rotterdam, Louvain, Budapest)
- Marketing: 2nd for Alumni Takeover | led by Anna van Rossem
- Responsibility: 2nd for International Push-Ups for Charity Day | led by Robin Dekker
A big round of applause!
The CEMS VSE Office would hereby like to congratulate the CCP president Evžen Balomenos and his team for such an achievement and for representing us at the CEMS Club Presidential Conference in Stockholm! Winning 2 awards in Best Practices is a testimony that makes the case. We are well aware of the exceptional effort you are putting in to pull off such a great job and we appreciate it countless times!
Last but not least, a great many thanks go out to Marianna Sargsyan whose work as the previous CEMS Club Prague president along with her team was a springboard that led to such an achievement!
Key features of the MIM (CEMS VSE) programme
What really tips the scales in its favour are a high level of teaching, where it is not only constantly benchmarked by the CEMS alliance, close cooperation with selected corporate partners such as Hilti, Škoda Auto or Plzeňský Prazdroj, but also international exposure because students must complete an internship abroad and spend one semester at a selected foreign university from the CEMS alliance, which currently consists of 34 top world universities and almost 70 corporate partners. Having done their studies in English, the graduates then easily land jobs with foreign companies and over the course of 3 years after their studies draw average salaries in the neighbourhood of over 150,000 CZK a month.
>>> Applying to CEMS <<<
The admission procedure for the CEMS/MIM Programme at VSE offers 2 intakes, upon which selected students have to pass the assessment centre.
1st intake deadline is on February 28, 2023.
2nd intake is subject to available spots, the deadline is on April 30, 2023.
Prior to the application deadline, students have to submit the required documents.