The Best Master Thesis and Term Papers Awards Announcement
The committee of the Research and Science Center has evaluated the summer nominations for the ESOP competition.
The following theses were awarded:
1st place:
- Elena Lukshina; The Rate of Projectification in the Czech Republic (thesis supervisor Ing. Jiří Hájek, Ph.D.)
2nd – 4th place:
- Dominik Sagl; Segmentation of esports audience and its marketing implications (thesis supervisor Ing. Jan Mareš, Ph.D.)
- Jakub Třeček; Performance of mobile banking applications and their use in direct marketing (thesis supervisor doc. Ing. Václav Stříteský, Ph.D.)
- Jan Kölbl; The Value of Active Management in Equity Mutual Funds from the Perspective of Czech Individual Investor (thesis supervisor doc. Ing. Ladislav Tyll, MBA, Ph.D.)
The best theses will be announced at the graduation ceremony and the winners will receive an scholarship.
Out of the nominated term papers, the following were awarded:
1st – 2nd place:
- Petr Krejcar, Adam Karlík, Karolína Jahodová, Ilona Thomasová and Sára Michalčáková; Stereotypes of Czechs towards Indians in the IT work environment (a course 3CV401 – Research Methods)
- Kristýna Kučerová; The Economic Advantage of the Introduction of Electrical Trucks to Companies Providing Delivery Services (the term paper supervisor doc. JUDr. Ing. Radek Novák, CSc.)
The award ceremony for the best term papers will take place at a meeting with the school leadership in autumn 2022 and the winners will receive an scholarship.