Management Summary Research Study „Evaluation of the effectiveness of an intervention aimed at promoting mental health, increasing resilience to stress and well-being of employees of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic“

The intervention included developmental workshops and individual consultations aimed at increasing stress resilience, promoting mental health and well-being of Ministry employees. The programme was delivered from September 2022 to June 2023. The main aim of the evaluation was to assess how the programme contributed to improving participants’ mental health and increasing their mental health self-efficacy. Two instruments were used to measure this. The first was the English version of The Mental Health Self-Efficacy Scale (MHSES) (Clarke et al., 2014). The second instrument used was The Mental Health Continuum – The short form (Keyes, 2002). The results showed the positive impact of the implemented activities on improving mental health and self-efficacy in Ministry employees, demonstrating the effectiveness of this programme, which can be replicated in the future.


Target groups of stakeholders: Ministry employees