Management Summary Research Study „Dominated Cosmopolitanism: Consumer Habitus Dynamics among Low-Resource Migrants“

This study focuses on migrant women who move in search of a better life for themselves and their children. It was a qualitative study in which these women were observed over a period of 9 years. It is known that any migration causes a significant shock to migrants due to the fact that the “rules of the game” in a new environment are completely different from what they are accustomed to. Moreover, these women often lack sufficient economic resources and knowledge (such as language skills or familiarity with bureaucracy), as well as adequate social networks, which further complicates their situation in the new country. Our study shows that even in such circumstances, these women can identify as cosmopolitans as a result of the shock from a completely new environment and the necessity to adapt to it. This identification helps them overcome stereotypical perceptions of themselves both in their home country (as emigrants) and in the new culture (as immigrants). This opens up the possibility for a different life trajectory than the one typically ascribed to them. This cosmopolitan predisposition arises, among other things, through adaptation and changes in consumption practices. Accessible education plays a crucial role, as even the slightest educational opportunity can significantly influence the trajectory of their lives.

These findings have significant implications for addressing migration crises, as they demonstrate that any investment in the education of female migrants has a major impact on their life trajectories and, ultimately, on their integration within all the host markets (e.g. labor and consumption markets). Furthermore, the importance of consumption within the adaptation process of migrants is confirmed.


Target groups of stakeholders: Complete

Citation: Chytkova, Z. and D. Kjeldgaard (2023). Dominated Cosmopolitanism: Consumer Habitus Dynamics among Low-Resource Migrants, Journal of Consumer Research, Advance online publication.