Innovation Week at VŠE /6. – 10.11. 2023/
The winter semester will mark the third Innovation in Teaching Week. This time it will take place from Monday 6 November to Friday 10 November. Innovation Week means that there will be no timetabled teaching and the week will be dedicated to interesting lectures, workshops and generally introducing modern forms of teaching. Activities will be either present (requiring students to be present at a given time) or asynchronous (allowing for the performance of a given duty according to learners’ preferences).
You can find all the events of the Innovation Week here. If you have any questions, please contact the contact persons listed.
First and foremost, to modernise teaching at VŠE, introduce new forms of teaching and encourage greater interaction between students. Also to support the introduction of LMS Moodle at the VŠE, as the transition to this platform is gradual (not all subjects and not all teachers use Moodle). The goal is to have more and more courses with Moodle activities.