Financial Times: Program Taught at the Faculty of Business Administration is the 14th Best in the World
The Master in International Management program, which is taught in English at the Faculty of Business Administration, ranked 14th in the current “Financial Times Masters in Management 2021” ranking. It is the historically best placement of the program in this ranking and an increase of eight places compared to last year. In addition, and as in previous years, it is the best-ranked program in the region of Central and Eastern Europe.
The first place in the ranking was successfully defended by the Swiss University of St. Gallen. The same applies to HEC Paris, France, which placed second again. However, the University College Dublin: Smurfit, moved to third place from last year’s eighth position. In all three cases, these universities are members of the CEMS alliance, same as the Prague University of Economics and Business.
The key elements of the Master in International Management (CEMS) program are a high level of teaching, where the program is constantly benchmarked by the CEMS alliance, close cooperation with selected corporate partners, such as Hilti, Škoda Auto or Plzeňský Prazdroj, but also international exposure, because students must complete an internship abroad and spend one semester at a selected foreign university from the CEMS alliance. The alliance currently consists of 34 top world universities and almost 70 corporate partners.
The criteria evaluated in the ranking were career advancement of program graduates (including salary conditions), diversity of the school (ratio of women among teachers or share of international students), international experience and research, and last but not least additional criteria such as enrollment, or share of internships in companies.
The full ranking is available here.