FBA Earns Prestigious AMBA Reaccreditation For the Next 3 Years

The Faculty of Business Administration and its Executive MBA programme have successfully completed the AMBA reaccreditation process. Reaccreditation was granted for another 3 years. FBA thus remains the only school in the Czech Republic to have this prestigious accreditation.

AMBA accreditation is one of the most important global accreditations of MBA studies. FBA thus belongs to a group of nearly 300 top schools from all over the world, such as the University of St. Gallen or HEC Paris.

Strict accreditation criteria and evaluation process ensure that only those degree programmes that have long demonstrated the highest standards in teaching, research, career development and graduate employability receive accreditation. The evaluation is based on input from various stakeholders such as faculty and staff, students and alumni, and employers.

The faculty received AMBA accreditation in 2021, for a period of three years. The reaccreditation process was initiated in 2023. As part of this process, the association’s evaluation panel visited the faculty in February 2024.

AMBA Panel

Prof. Wendy Loretto

Prof. Wendy Loretto

Chair of the Panel

Dean, University of Edinburgh Business School, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

Chair of the Board of Trustees of AMBA & BGA

Prof. Veneta Adonova

Prof. Veneta Adonova


Universidad de los Andes School of Management, Bogota, Colombia

Prof. Iryna Tykhomyrova

Prof. Iryna Tykhomyrova


International Management Institute (MIM-Kyiv), Kyiv, Ukraine

George Iliev, MBA

George Iliev, MBA

Accreditation Director

AMBA & BGA, London, UK

The purpose of this committee was to assess whether the faculty met the requirements for reaccreditation by AMBA. The committee verified the information provided by the faculty in the so-called self-assessment report by conducting in-depth interviews with faculty and VŠE management, staff, students, alumni and corporate partners.

In the evaluation report, the committee particularly highlighted the name and reputation of the faculty, the growing number of English programmes offered by the faculty, the number of corporate partners and the quality of relationships with them, and the innovations implemented by the new MBA programme management. In connection with the innovated programme, the evaluation report mentioned in particular the process and selectivity of the admission procedure, the emphasis on physical participation in the teaching, cancellation of continuous entry of students into the programme, which was replaced by a one-time entry in September each year, the support of networking of students from different years, the practical concept of the final thesis in the form of a business project, and also the possibility of long-term preparation of the final thesis throughout the study.

Association of MBAs accreditation (AMBA) is a multinational accreditation body that was founded in 1967 in the United Kingdom, which brings together MBA students and graduates, accredited schools and employers worldwide. The AMBA accreditation is the global standard for all MBA, DBA and Master’s degrees, currently accrediting programmes from the top 2% of Business Schools in more than 75 countries.

Full list of AMBA-accredited schools can be found here.

FBA Earns Prestigious AMBA Re-accreditation For the Next 3 Years