CEMS Peer Review at VSE is Underway
From Wednesday, March 24 to Friday, March 26, 2021, the so-called CEMS Peer Review is underway at the Prague University of Economics and Business (VSE). A process originally taking place in person in a form of a visit of the evaluation committee to the reviewed university campus had to be transferred fully online due to the outbreak of the pandemic.
CEMS is a global strategic alliance of leading business schools and multinational companies dedicated to educating and preparing the future generations of international business leaders. CEMS is one of the global leaders in the pre-experience Master’s market and it cannot be equalled in terms of the reputation of its members: 34 world-class academic institutions collaborate together with almost 70 corporate partners to offer international postgraduate students a unique blend of high-quality education and professional experience.
The aim of the peer review is to evaluate the CEMS programme at the given university and provide feedback on possible improvements. It is also one of the key tools designed to retain high quality and academic excellence as the programme is benchmarked by other CEMS Alliance representatives through this process. The review is held roughly once every five years at each CEMS member university.
Members of the VSE Peer Review team are:
- Philippe Gregoire, Professor of Finance, Vice Dean and CEMS Academic Director at Louvain School of Management,
- Joseph Salvacruz, Professor of Business Practice and Academic Director at HKUST Business School,
- and Nicole de Fontaines, Secretary-General at CEMS Global Alliance.
During the online visit, the Peer Review team meets in various sessions with all the stakeholders involved in the teaching and implementation of the CEMS programme at VSE. Today, during the first and welcome session, the President of VSE, who is also a member of the CEMS Strategic Board, prof. Hana Machková, the Vice-President for International Relations and member of the General Assembly prof. Jiří Hnilica, and CEMS Prague Academic Director and Deputy Chair of the Academic Committee Dr. Ladislav Tyll introduced the more general aspects of the programme and its history at the university. This session was followed by a part dedicated to the CEMS curriculum at VSE and is closed with individual interviews with CEMS VSE faculty members.
The second day will be dedicated to the information on students selection, marketing of the programme and relations with corporate partners. The last day will be again devoted to individual interviews, this time with CEMS VSE alumni, current students and CEMS Club Prague representatives.
We truly hope the Peer Review team will enjoy the time spent at our university, even though only virtually, and that the sessions will lead to many innovative ideas and best-practices sharing.