Applications now open!
As of today, applicants may submit their application for bachelor and master study programmes offered at the Faculty of Business Administration. Regarding the English-taught, they may choose from one bachelor and two master programmes:
- Bachelor of Business Administration, application deadline on June 10, 2021,
- Master in International Management/CEMS, application deadline on February 28, 2021 (1st intake), April 30th, 2021 (2nd intake),
- Master in Management, application deadline on April 30, 2021.
The e-application can be accessed via this link.
We wish you best luck with the admissions!
Why to study at FBA?

1. Study programmes
Two of our programs – CEMS MIM and Management – are regularly placed in the prestigious global Financial Times Ranking for business education. You can choose from Bachelor, Master, Doctoral or MBA study programmes.

2. EQUIS accreditation
FBA ranks among 1% of the best business schools in the world. This accreditation is obtained only by faculty with top-class education, excellent academic staff, high-quality scientific work and strong interconnection with practice.

3. Corporate partners
Relations with the business community are one of the top priorities of the FBA. The Faculty has contracts with over 100 corporate partners and cultural institutions such as BD Advisory, Unilever, APOGEO, Plzeňský Prazdroj, Škoda Auto and many others.