– Faculty management –

prof. Ing. Jiří Hnilica, Ph.D.
Dean of FBA
office: RB 439
tel.: +420 224 098 439
e-mail: jiri.hnilica@vse.cz

Ing. Hana Lorencová, Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Education
Statutory Deputy Dean
office: RB 331
tel.: 224 098 631
e-mail: hana.lorencova@vse.cz

assoc. prof. Ladislav Tyll, MBA, Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for International Relations
office: RB 348
tel.: 224 098 348
e-mail: ladislav.tyll@vse.cz

assoc. prof. Marek Hudík, Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies
Office: RB 339
tel.: +420 224 098 339
e-mail: marek.hudik@vse.cz

assoc. prof. Václav Stříteský, Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Communication and Corporate Relations
office: RB 403
tel. 224 098 703
e-mail: vaclav.stritesky@vse.cz

Ing. Martina Poláchová
Faculty Treasurer
office: RB 442
tel.: +420 224 098 442
e-mail: martina.polachova@vse.cz