Procedural Rules of the Scientific Board

The Rules of Procedure of The Scientific Board of the Faculty of Business Administration of the Prague University of Economics and Business

Article 1

Introductory Provisions


  1. The Scientific Board of the Faculty of Business Administration of the Prague University of Economics and Business (hereafter: the Scientific Board) is an autonomous academic body of the Faculty of Business Administration (hereafter: the FBA or the faculty) of the Prague University of Economics and Business, and is provided for under Act No. 111/1998 Coll. (Hereafter: the “Higher Education Act” or just the “Act”); the University Act (and its amendments), as well as amendments to other relevant laws.

Article 2

Members of the Scientific Board


  1. The members of the Scientific Board are distinguished representatives of those fields in which the faculty carries out its teaching, research, development and innovation, artistic and/or other creative and educational endeavours. At least one third of the members are persons other than academics from public universities, of which the faculty itself is part.
  2. The members of the Scientific Board are appointed and dismissed by the Dean, upon approval of the proposal by the Academic Senate of the FBA (hereafter: the AS of the FBA, or faculty). The Dean also decides on the length of the term for which the members of the Scientific Board will serve. The members of the Scientific Board, usually, do not serve for a term longer than the Dean’s own term of office.
  3. The Dean is the Chairperson of the Scientific Board.


  1. Membership of the Scientific Board is irreplaceable.

Article 3

Scope of the Scientific Board


  1. The Scientific Board discusses the strategic plans for the educational, research, development and innovation, artistic, and/or other creative activities which are realised at the FBA, and are prepared in accordance with the UEP’s strategic plan. The final proposals are then forwarded for approval to the AS of the FBA.
  2. The Scientific Board approves the degree programs and courses which are to be implemented at the FBA.
  3. The Scientific Board takes an active part in the FBA‘s habilitation and professorship procedures, to the extent determined by the Higher Education Act.
  4. The Scientific Board expresses its view on matters presented to it for consideration by the Dean.

Article 4

Proceedings of the Scientific Board


  1. Sittings of the Scientific Board are called by the Dean according to the needs of the FBA.
  2. Except in urgent cases, the sitting of the Scientific Board shall be convened, in writing, not less than 14 days before the date of the sitting.
  3. In order to discuss the essential matters up for debate, the members of the Scientific Board must obtain, in advance, all the necessary written documents, not later than 14 days before the date of the sitting, as specified in paragraph 2.


(1) The Scientific Board is chaired by the Dean. In the absence of the Dean, an authorized member of the Scientific Board deputises for him/her.


  1. Scientific Boards sessions are not open to the public, except in those cases which are specified in the Higher Education Act.
  2. The Dean may invite other persons to participate in a session of the Scientific Board.


  1. The members of the Scientific Board may submit to the chairperson of the session either oral, or written, proposals, regarding the amendments and modifications of the program under discussion. These proposals will be included in the program if an majority of those present vote in favour of doing so.
  2. Submission of proposals must be recorded in the minutes of the sitting.


  1. A designated member of the Dean’s staff is charged with taking the minutes, in writing, which upon receiving the Dean’s authorisation, will be published on the FBA’s web page.

Article 5

Resolutions of the Scientific Board


(1) The Scientific Board is deemed to have a quorum if there is a simple majority of its members present at the sitting.


  1. Resolutions can be adopted in the following ways:
    1. By open ballot; the adoption of the resolution must be approved by a simple majority of the members of the Scientific Board who are present at the sitting.
    2. By secret ballot; the adoption of the resolution must be approved by a simple majority of the members of the Scientific Board who are present at the sitting. Where the secret ballot is the chosen method, members cast their vote on special ballot papers. The members of the Scientific Board vote by indicating that they “agree/disagree” by striking out the statement with which they do not agree, on the ballot paper. If the voter has not clearly and unambiguously indicated his/her intention on the ballot paper, then his/her vote is deemed to be a ‚‘spoilt vote‘, i.e., it is invalid. Two members of the Scientific Board are chosen by public ballot; in the chamber where the Scientific Board is sitting; to be the “scrutineers” of the voting process. This selection is done immediately after the ballot papers have been collected after voting. The result of the ballot is recorded in the minutes and signed by the scrutineers and the Dean, or by the Dean’s deputy, who has been designated by him/her.
    3. In urgent, and justified cases, when the Scientific Board is discussing proposals, which require approval by secret ballot, the Dean can ask the members of the Scientific Board to vote „per rollam“, i.e., they vote in writing without convening a meeting of the Scientific Board especially to take the vote.


  1. Per rollam voting is done electronically.
  2. The Dean sends a draft resolution of the matter to all members of the Scientific Board, including all relevant documents, as well as setting the deadline for receipt of the members´ replies.
  3. The individual members of the Scientific Board shall duly send their reply to the Dean by the given deadline, indicating their “agreement”, “disagreement” or “abstention”.
  4. The Scientific Board members´ replies are assembled by two scrutineers, who have been chosen by the Dean.
  5. The resolution is accepted if an absolute majority of the members have voted in favour.
  6. The Dean is obliged to announce the result of the per rollam vote at the next meeting of the Scientific Board, or to notify the Board by means of an email sent to all members of the Scientific Board.
  7. 13
  8. In the case where the members of the Scientific Board must vote on the proposal for the appointment of a professor, or an associate professor, the ballot shall proceed in accordance with the provisions contained in Higher Education Act.
  9. In the case where the members of the Scientific Board must vote on the award of a Doctorate Honoris Causa degree, the resolution is adopted if it is accepted by a majority of all the members of the Scientific Board.

Article 6

Final Provisions

§ 14

  1. The Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Board of the FBA shall come into force, and become effective, on the date of their approval by the Academic Senate of the UEP.
  2. These Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Board of the FBA have been approved:
    – by the Academic Senate of the FBA on 11th December, 2013;
    – and by the Academic Senate of the UEP on 20th January, 2014.
  3. On the date of entry into force of these Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Board of the FBA, the Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Board of the FBA of 29th April, 2004, have ceased to be valid.

NB: The vocabulary used in this document has the following meaning:

Faculty = The component Institution of a University, not the teaching staff.

Academic staff/workers/personnel = „Faculty“ in the North American meaning of the word.