Doctoral Programmes at FBA – Admissions for the Academic Year 2024 Are Open (Start of Studies: February 2024)
Study Ph.D. or DBA Programme at the Faculty of Business Administration!
Ph.D. studies
Are you an aspiring student interested in developing knowledge and conducting research? Then our four-year full-time or combined Ph.D. Programme is the right choice for you. Have a look at topics and departments! In the months of September and October, applicants may submit their application into the PhD Programme. How to apply – have a look here.
Read the interview with Judith Schmitt about her PhD studies at the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA). Why did she choose FBA and the field of managerial psychology and sociology? And what made her return to academic ground after 8 years of working in the corporate world?
DBA studies
If you are a manager or a professional with several years of experience, interested in developing your knowledge and applying it to business practice, you may be interested in our DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) Program.