Dissertation Abstract
Basic requirement of dissertation abstracts (“autoreferát”) are delimited by the Study and Examination Regulations for the Doctoral Degree Study Programs of the University of Economics, article 27, paragraph 2c) „…abstract is a brief summary of the whole thesis, usually up to 20 pages, stating the objectives, content, results of the thesis and the characteristics of the original research methodology, the literature used and concluded with an English, or other foreign language, summary…”
Detailed contents of the abstract are to be discussed with the thesis supervisor.
Example of Abstract Structure
- Introduction
- Objectives of the thesis and their justification; research questions or hypotheses
- Contents of the thesis
- Methodology
- Literature review (brief summary of the state-of-the-art)
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion (which summarizes the achievement of goals, answers to research questions or hypotheses testing, theoretical and practical implications, future directions of research, and alternatively, the publication of the author, which are related to the dissertation topic and published during the doctoral studies)
- Literature (used in the abstract, not in the thesis itself)
Double-sided print, ring-bound abstract is recommended. The suggested size is 20 standard pages (36 000 characters including spaces)