
Czech Grant Agency Competitions

Dear Colleagues, The Grant Agency of the Czech Republic announced a public tender for support of standard, JUNIOR STAR (new one!), EXPRO and international projects with anticipated beginning of the projects in 2021. The competition period began on February 22, 2020. Project proposals can be submitted by April 7, 2020 (however, the deadline for submission to the University Department of Science […]

4. 3. 2020: Research Club Meeting

Dear colleagues, It is my pleasure to invite you to the next meeting of the Research Club of the Faculty of Business Administration, which will take place on Wednesday 4.3.2020 16:15 – 17:45 in RB 436 Schedule: A possibility to introduce your IGA 2 proposal and get feedback before submission (kindly send the presentation to my e-mail three days ahead) English/Czech – presenter´s […]

Internal grants 2020 – call for proposals

Dear colleagues, please see the call for proposal for internal research proposals funded from the institutional support of VSE (so called IGA 2). The deadline for submission is March 9, 2020. Start of project, if accepted, is from April 1, 2020. In case of your interest, you are welcome to contact me. With best regards Martin Lukeš IGA2 2020 […]

18. 2. 2020: Workshop “Writing for Publication”

Date:  18/02/2020, 12:45-16:00 Room: RB 459 Registration: Due to a limited capacity please register at: link Teacher: Deborah Nováková Description: The workshop will cover strategies for successful academic writing in English for publication. It will cover topics from micro- to a macro levels, including making professional wording and phraseology choices, and building papers that present […]

4. 2. 2020: Research Club Meeting

Dear colleagues, It is my pleasure to invite you to the next meeting of the Research Club of the Faculty of Business Administration, which will take place on Tuesday 4.2.2020 8:30 – 10:00 in RB459 Schedule: Introduction of GAČR (Prof. Lukeš), in Czech (10 min) A view of the member of GACR evaluation panel and […]

22. 1. 2020: Workshop “Basics of psychometrics for social sciences”

Date:  22/01/2020, 12:30-17:00 Room: RB 437 Registration: Due to a limited capacity please register using this link Teacher: Hynek Cígler Description: Psychometrics is a scientific discipline lying on the boundary of psychology and mathematical statistics which studies measurement of psychological phenomena; that is, of human characteristics, abilities, states, and of their knowledge. It is therefore […]

4. 12. 2019: Research Club Meeting

Dear Colleagues, It is my pleasure to invite you to the next meeting of the Research Club of the Faculty, which will take place on Wednesday 4.12. at 16:15 – 17:45 in RB 459. First part will be presented in English, second part in Czech. Schedule: How to prepare a good poster (Dr. Bahník) in English (30 min). Presentation of the research […]

5. 11. 2019: Research Club Meeting

Dear Colleagues, It is my pleasure to invite you to the next meeting of the Research Club of the Faculty, which will take place on Tuesday 5.11. at 9:15 – 10:45 in RB 459. First part will be presented in English, second part in Czech. Questions to the third part could be presented and answered in both languages. Schedule: Announcement of IGA 1 and […]

23. 10. 2019: Research seminar “From attitude to action: Conceptualizing the attitude-behavior gap in sustainable consumption”

Dear colleagues, The Research Support Centre would like to invite you to a seminar: Topic: From attitude to action: Conceptualizing the attitude-behavior gap in sustainable consumption Date: 23rd October, 17:00-18:00 in room RB 438 Speaker: Zara Berberyan (Hamburg School of Business Administration) Abstract: The talk will focus on the attitude-behavior gap in ethical fashion consumption. The presented […]

17. 9. 2019: Workshop „CEO satisfaction and SME innovation: Unveiling the role of family involvement“

Date:  17/09/2019, 9:00-10:00 Room: TBA Registration: Due to a limited capacity please register here Teacher: Aliaa El Shoubaki Description: Family involvement in firms can affect strategic decisions about innovation. The differences in the innovative behaviours of family and nonfamily firms are mostly attributed to socioemotional wealth, which emphasizes the noneconomic goals of family firms. The […]