
October 5, 2016: Meeting of the Research club

The meeting will take place on October 5, 2016 from 16:30 to 18:00 in RB 436. Program: 1) Presentation of the Research club 2) Support of the Faculty of Business Administration for writing scholarly papers 3) Current situation of publishing research in journals with impact factor 4) Beware of predatory journals 5) Discussion about the possibilities […]

Journal Citation Reports updated

Thomson Reuters updated the impact factors of the journals listed in Journal Citation Reports. More information

18. 5. 2016: Lecture “Publishing in top management journals” ( Lisa A. Burke-Smalley, University of TN-Chattanooga)

Speaker: Lisa A. Burke-Smalley Ph.D., SPHR, University of TN-Chattanooga, Associate Editor of Academy of Management Learning & Education Date and time: 18. 5. 2016 13:00-15:00 na místnosti RB 438 Contents: The workshop will be provided by Lisa Burke-Smalley who is the Associate Editor of Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE), the top journal in […]

30. 3. 2016: Lecture „Pitching Research“ (prof. Robert Faff, University of Queensland Business School)

The Research Support Center invites you to the lecture „Pitching Research“ held by prof. Robert Faff, University of Queensland Business School, Australia. The lecture will take place on March 30, 14:30-16:00.