1. 12. 2020: Research Club Meeting

Dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure to invite you to the next meeting of the Research Club of the Faculty of Business Administration, which will occur on Tuesday 01.12.2020, 9:15 – 10:45 AM in MS TEAMS. There is no further invitation or link; please come straight to MS TEAMS, room Research Club FPH. The whole meeting will be held in English. The time was changed for the benefit of those of you who claimed they could not participate in the evenings.


  1.  Plagiarism, what to watch out for as an author and as an opponent/supervisor (15 min + questions, Dr. Válová)https://plagiatorstvi.vse.cz/prirucka-pro-akademicke-pracovniky It is being translated to English.
  2. Tips, tricks, and traps of using citation software + discussion with Zotero’s experienced user and trainer. Before participating, watch the video in Czech in the following link https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/eb7e8fce-05a0-4b3c-8103-cc7858a39c6c or any video on Zotero in English, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-xXxz1e93g&ab_channel=WaldenULibWebinars. It would be best if you had a basic idea before attending to get the most from shared experiences. (45 min + seminarlike questions, Ing. Šubrta)

David Anthony Procházka